From April 8 to 11, Polish geographers from the Department of Geography and Regional Development of the University of Gdansk visited the our department and gave lectures within the ERASMUS + Mobility programme.
Our students were lectured by associate professor Aleksander Kuczabski, who, among other things, evaluated the relations of Poland and Russia, presented the attributes that formed these relations and pointed to the current perception of Russian-Polish relations by both Poles and Russians.
Dr. Marcin Polom, who deals with geography of transportation, attracted students mainly by the current issue of ecological transport in Poland. He dealt with topics such as localization of transport engineering in Poland, drew attention to the transformation of this industry which resulted in the atomization of manufacturing enterprises accompanied by a significant input of foreign investments. He also pointed out the specifics of the distribution of electricity in Europe and Poland, the promotion of ecological transport by the EU as well as possible threats to the V4 countries in particular.
Tourism is an area which was presented by associate professor Tomasz Michalski. He gave lecture about the development of tourism and forms of tourism on examples of Poland and other European countries. He also drew attention to the negative effects that tourism can cause (e.g. crime, etc.).
From the lectures, the students learned about Poland, the specifics of the country's development and geopolitical position within Europe. Last but not least, the lectures were a positive presentation of the ERASMUS + mobility opportunities for our students.
During their stay, Polish colleagues visited the tourist attractions of Nitra highlighting in particular the cultural and historical value of the diocesan library.
The visit of colleagues from Poland was also beneficial for the staff of the Department of Geography and Regional Development, as it enabled them to take inspirational lectures as well as to gain new contacts that have the potential for further international scientific research collaboration.
Text: doc. RNDr. Alfred Krogmann, PhD.
Photos: Prof. PhDr. RNDr. Martin Boltižiar, PhD.