Exploring Creative Tourism As a New Tourism Product in Slovakia – Analysis of the Primary Results
Výskum kreatívneho cestovného ruchu ako nového produktu cestovného ruchu na Slovensku - analýza primárnych výsledkov
János Csapó
In: Geografické informácie (Geographical Information), Ročník (Volume) 24, Číslo (Issue) 2, 2020, p. 28-42, ISSN 1337-9453
DOI: 10.17846/GI.2020.24.2.28-42
In recent years, creative tourism became one of the most dynamically developing tourism products in global tourism and its role in Slovakia is also important, however not deeply discovered yet. Realizing this research gap, the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Central European Studies, University of Constantin the Philosopher launched a research (VEGA 1/0169/18 entitled Creative tourism as a new tourism product in Slovakia) in order to understand the place and role of creative tourism in Slovakia. The present study presents the primary results of the questionnaire survey of the demand side of Slovakia in terms of the attitude and the consumer habits of creative tourism. The primary results demonstrate that the place and role of creative tourism as a tourism product should be considered as important in terms of the tourism supply of the country and also from the point of view of the consumer attitudes and habits, however the development of this product is very much limited and further progress is needed in order to enhance the opportunities of this complex tourism product.
Keywords: creative tourism, Slovakia, demand side, questionnaire survey