Making Secondary Geodiversity Sites Accessible: Example of the Method Used in Northern Bohemia
Sprístupnenie stránok sekundárnej geodiverzity: Príklad metódy použitej v severných Čechách
Emil Drápela
In: Geografické informácie (Geographical Information), Ročník (Volume) 24, Číslo (Issue) 2, 2020, p. 43-54, ISSN 1337-9453
DOI: 10.17846/GI.2020.24.2.43-54
The landscape of northern Bohemia contains a number of localities of secondary (man-made) geodiversity, which may have a certain value in terms of tourism. As these sites are not the result of natural processes that have a long-term effect, but of human interventions in the natural environment, which can cause various instabilities, they need to be cared for if they are accessible to tourists. This need for care by municipalities is not very popular, as it costs certain resources. Therefore, many municipalities prefer to destroy these localities once, so that they do not have to spend these funds in the future. However, this leads to the irreversible loss of often very valuable localities, where it was possible to learn about the local geology and dexterity of our ancestors. For this reason, we have invented a simple methodology for evaluating geosites that would potentially be worth saving, intended for officials in cities and municipalities. This methodology is presented in the article at two localities from the Liberec region.
Keywords: geotourism, geodiversity, anthropogenic landforms, regional development, geosite assessment