Transformácia kultúrnej krajiny a jej využitie pri tvorbe náučného chodníka Bošáckou dolinou
Transformation of a Cultural Landscape and Its Use in Proposal of Educational Trail through Bośáca Valley
Alexandra Hladká, Lucia Petrikovičová
In: Geografické informácie (Geographical Information), Ročník (Volume) 24, Číslo (Issue) 2, 2020, p. 83-96, ISSN 1337-9453
DOI: 10.17846/GI.2020.24.2.83-96
A contribution deals with the educational trail through Bošáca valley and its use in teaching geography of local country. The educational trail as a marked excursion trail allow of visit various attractions and provides basic information about them. At present, the educational trail has insufficient application in field teaching. The aim is to propose educational trail through Bošáca valley which thematically focused on fruit growing and scattered settlements. Pupils can acquainted with the country in which they live by nontraditional way. In 2018, pupils of Gymnázium M. R. Štefánika in Nové Mesto nad Váhom was given a questionnaire about the Bošáca valley. Based on their answers, it was found that the pupils do not have sufficient knowledge about Bošáca valley. An opportunity put into attention of pupils to the Bošáca valley is to take an excursion through the educational trail.
Keywords: Bošáca valley, educational trail, local landscape geography, excursion, terrain teaching