Spatial Distributions of the Hotel Developments and Creative Solutions To Ensure the Unique Attractiveness of Hotels
Priestorové distribúcie hotelového rozvoja a kreatívne riešenia na zaistenie jedinečnej príťažlivosti hotelov
Gergely Horváth
In: Geografické informácie (Geographical Information), Ročník (Volume) 24, Číslo (Issue) 2, 2020, p. 97-109, ISSN 1337-9453
DOI: 10.17846/GI.2020.24.2.97-109
The aim of the current study is to present the spatial and temporal distributions of Hungarian hotel developments in the last few years, as well as to present one or two creative hotel service developments. It is often very difficult for a company to come up with the right form of development for consumers in order to be fully satisfied with the hotel. Generally, the biggest problem with improvements in services is subjectivity, which means that often companies are not able to fully satisfy all consumers when it comes to service improvements, no matter how good the new service is. For this reason, development is important for a company as it can provide serious opportunities for the company to improve their services for greater future success.
Keywords: tourism development, hotel development, spatial distribution, creative solutions