Kreatívni umelci v cestovnom ruchu
Creative Artists in Tourism
Jarmila Hudáková, Marcela Korenková
In: Geografické informácie (Geographical Information), Ročník (Volume) 24, Číslo (Issue) 2, 2020, p. 110-118, ISSN 1337-9453
DOI: 10.17846/GI.2020.24.2.110-118
Creative tourism is growing significantly in the world. Despite the fact, that creativity and creative industries in Slovakia have become a part of many concepts and strategies, Slovakia lags far behind the world in this industry. The aim of the article was to analyse the involvement of creative artists and craftsmen in creative tourism. The research involved 169 creative artists and craftsmen. We have found that their number has been growing in recent years and that they are aware they are a part of the creative industry. Their customers come mainly from Slovakia, only to a minimal extent from other countries, which is related to the promotion of their products. Recently, they have even registered an increased interest in their products.
Keywords: creative tourism, creative tourist, creative artists, craftsmen