Bariéry interakcie a cezhraničnej spolupráce v slovensko-ukrajinskom pohraničí: percepcie lokálnych aktérov
Barriers to Interaction and Cross-Border Cooperation in the Slovak-Ukrainian Borderlands: The Perceptions of Local Actors
Martin Lačný, Anna Polačková
In: Geografické informácie (Geographical Information), Ročník (Volume) 24, Číslo (Issue) 2, 2020, p. 174-190, ISSN 1337-9453
DOI: 10.17846/GI.2020.24.2.174-190
The paper aims to present findings from the research on perceptions of local actors in terms of identifying barriers to cross-border cooperation. Barriers are for the purposes of the research understood to be any conditions or activities that hinder or restrict the free movement and interaction of people, capital, products, services, ideas, etc. A “barrier-free” situation corresponds to the permeability of borders between two regions of the same country. Respondents on both sides of the border answered questions in five thematic areas related to identifying barriers to cross-border interaction and cross-border cooperation: infrastructure as a barrier to cross-border cooperation, barriers to crossing the border, level of support, general conditions (the political, historical, cultural, religious, economic context) and economic-geographical conditions as a barrier to cross-border cooperation.
Keywords: border studies, cross-border cooperation, local actors, barriers