Aktéři, strategie a faktory úspěšnosti revitalizace center malých měst v České republice
Actors, Strategies and Success Factors of Small Town Centers’ Revitalization in the Czech Republic
Jiří Ježek, Renáta Ježková
In: Geografické informácie (Geographical Information), Ročník (Volume) 24, Číslo (Issue) 2, 2020, p. 131-145, ISSN 1337-9453
DOI: 10.17846/GI.2020.24.2.131-145
The paper deals with the experience of Czech small towns with the revitalization of their urban centers. The aim was to identify the most important actors, strategies and success factors for the revitalization of small town centers. The main source of information was a representative questionnaire survey of small towns, belonging to the size category of 3 to 20 thousand inhabitants. The questionnaire was completely filled in by 89 respondents; the return was 26.3%. Municipalities consider themselves to be the main actor (initiator and leader) of revitalization. Most towns evaluate the results of the revitalization of urban centers positively and perceive them as essential for the overall development of the town. More than half of the cities expressed dissatisfaction with a state support. Above all, they lack comprehensive support programs that make it possible to finance not only the revitalization of physical structures, but also measures to increase the attractiveness and attract new residents and visitors.
Keywords: urban centres, revitalization, Czech small cities, empirical r