Provinční gentrifikace v post-socialistickém městě: případ Plzně
Provincial Gentrification in the Post-Socialist City: The Case of Pilsen
Adéla Pancová, Martin Kebza
In: Geografické informácie (Geographical Information), Ročník (Volume) 25, Číslo (Issue) 1, 2021, p. 65-86, ISSN 1337-9453
DOI: 10.17846/GI.2021.25.1.65-86
This article focuses on provincial gentrification on a case of Pilsen. The main goal is to assess whether the process of gentrification is taking place in the territory of the five inner-city neighbourhoods. The inner cities in Central and Eastern Europe were significantly neglected during the unfavourable period of socialism. Since 90’s, those urban localities have become a target of regeneration and social changes. To determine the potential signs of gentrification in Pilsen, an own field investigation was taken to evaluate the physical upgrading in the five inner-city neighbourhoods according to the relevant classification. Regarding to this step, maps were made showing individual types of houses and subsequently the hotspots of modernization and potential social exclusion. It was found that the proportion of types determining modernization in the four neighbourhoods is around 50 %. Only Roudná shows above-average values, where the share of modernization types is 72 %.
Keywords: gentrification, Pilsen, post-socialist city, urban regeneration