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Status of Waste Management in the World and in the European Union
Alexandra Končalová, Alena Dubcová
In: Geografické štúdie (Geographical Studies), Ročník (Volume) 14, Číslo (Issue) 2, 2010, p. 42-53, ISSN 1337-9445
DOI: 10.17846/GS.2010.14.2.42-53
In recent years, we can observe the change in the status of waste management not only in the Slovak Republic or the European Union, but also globally. For the past forty years there has been a widespread increase in the amount of waste produced, leading to the need to address this problem on a professional level. There are major differences in the management of waste in the countries of the European Union. In our article we highlight the importance of waste management legislation in the world and European Union legislation and also for waste management in the EU, which is also a member of the Slovak Republic.
Keywords: waste management, incineration, recycling