Nízky stupeň vzdelania ako jeden z indikátorov chudoby na príklade Nitrianskeho kraja
Low Level of Education as One of the Poverty Indicator on the Example of Nitra Regio
Ján Veselovský, Lucia Šolcová
In: Geografické štúdie (Geographical Studies), Ročník (Volume) 14, Číslo (Issue) 2, 2010, p. 63-69, ISSN 1337-9445
DOI: 10.17846/GS.2010.14.2.63-69
Residents with low education levels increasingly have problems with employment. From this point of view become significantly vulnerable groups of poor people. Higher education gives better chances in the employment market and the less educated people excludes from it. The aim for contribution is to refer the low level of education as one of poverty indicator.
Keywords: low level of education, poverty, indicator, district, region